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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How to Treat Low Sperm Count

Sperm Count

Not many men are aware that there are easy ways for them to increase sperm count. And those men who do know about supplements that increase sperm count are probably pretty sceptical, no doubt because of the heaps of bad spam they’ve received in their inbox. But there really is no reason to put up with a low sperm count. A high sperm count not only increases fertility, but can also improve a man’s ejaculation and climax.

If you are keen to improve your sex life or are planning on having children, then you might want to consider a simple supplement treatment to increase sperm count. A low sperm count will make impregnating your partner more difficult, and it might well make your sexual experience a lot less satisfying.

There have been ways for men to increase sperm count around for years, but most of them were pretty unpleasant, and taken in the form of injections. Not only were these increase sperm count treatments uncomfortable, they were expensive too. Thankfully there are now inexpensive natural supplements that can help you to tackle the problem of a low sperm count.

Volume pills, for example, are a great way to increase sperm count and enjoy greater potency and more sexual pleasure. Volume pills have in some cases helped to increase sperm count by 500% or higher. Volume pills can help you to increase sperm count in a natural way as they contain herbal ingredients only.

Before we delve more into how to increase sperm count, let’s explore some of the causes of a low sperm count, and some ways you can reduce the risks.

Causes of low sperm count

Various factors, some of which are in your control, and some of which are not, are responsible for a low sperm count. There are some easy ways which will allow you to decrease the risk of a low sperm count, some as simple as choosing looser fitting clothing, some a little more troublesome such as quitting smoking.

Other factors that cause low sperm count are as follows:

  • Sauna, hot baths, Jacuzzis and other high temperature areas
  • Inactive lifestyle and lack of exercise
  • Illicit drug use and side effects of certain prescription medications
  • Excessive alcohol use
  • Genetic factors
  • Overweight or obesity
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Infections
  • Varicoceles
  • Tension

Though you may be able to reverse some of these factors that lead to low count of sperm in male, others such as genetic factors are uncontrollable.

How does high sperm count help?

If you choose to increase sperm count, you can benefit in two major ways - you will become more fertile and you’ll enjoy increased sexual pleasure.

Increase sperm count to become more fertile

A low sperm count will make it harder for you to father a child. Many couples are unable to conceive a child because of the man’s low sperm count. If you are having trouble getting your partner pregnant because of a low sperm count, you should consider trying volume pills to increase sperm count.

Increase sperm count for pleasure purposes

If you increase sperm count, your ejaculation timing can increase, you cum more and lead to more pleasure during climax. Prolonged climax can make you reach heights of ecstasies.

How to increase sperm count?

Methods to increase sperm count have come a long way since injections. Nowadays, herbal volume pills that increase sperm volume are more popular. You might have come across products for high sperm count through spam, but may have deleted them. it was wise for you to do so, as it is best to avoid companies that send spam mails to market their products.

Volume Pills
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